
Welcome to Student Academic Success Services

Student Academic Success Services (SASS) offers a comprehensive network of programs and services designed to foster academic success, retention, and timely degree attainment. Driven to achieve equitable outcomes for all students through innovation and excellence, SASS services and programs support the entire student journey. Working collaboratively with campus partners, we employ a holistic 4 pillar student success model: Connect, Support, Serve, Succeed. All programming and services are focused to empower students to achieve academic excellence and thrive at East Carolina University. The SASS program includes Connect for Success, the Pirate Academic Success Center, special populations support, Student Success Learning Communities, and the STEPP Program.

ECU Student Academic Success Services

The WCU Wellness Wheel

SASS services and programs support the entire student journey.

Working collaboratively with campus partners, we employ the holistic 4-pillar student success model: Connect, Support, Serve, Succeed.

Connect: Reinforcing sense of belonging, and establishing engagement with peers, staff, and faculty.

Support: Focused efforts on student wellbeing and establishing connections to campus resources.

Serve: Increasing campus involvement, campus service, employment and volunteer opportunities.

Succeed: Supporting student academic achievement and student career and professional readiness.